Barteau's Flank Attack Hike

February 8th 2025 | 10:30am | 113th Illinois Trailhead - Join us for a truly unique experience as Brice’s Crossroads Foundation President Graham Osborne leads a guided hike through history.

Brice’s Crossroads and Tupelo

March 7-9, 2025 | Mississippi Final Stands Interpretive Center - A BGES Civil War Field University Program with Tom Parson

1st Annual Forrest Poker Run

May 17, 2025 | 9:30am | Mississippi Final Stands Interpretive Center - Ride a bike, drive a car, bring the family, see the museum and gift shop!


Mr. Claude Gentry

Gentry was born on July 25, 1902 in a house just a few hundred yards north of the original Brice’s Crossroads Museum and Visitors’ Center. He was a Baldwyn native who possessed many talents.

“Mr. Claude,” as he was known to many, dedicated much of his adult life to the historical preservation of the Battle of Brice’s Crossroads. His log cabin museum, which stood next to his home in Baldwyn from 1961 until 1998, served as the forerunner to the current MS Final Stands Interpretive and Visitors’ Center. He was instrumental in organizing anniversary celebrations for the battle in 1954 and 1964. He is responsible for the granite markers erected by an act of the Mississippi Legislature in 1957.

In addition to developing others’ interest in Brice’s Crossroads, Mr. Claude was a writer with many published works. The remainder of his books still in print are sold in the Visitors Center Bookstore.

Mr. Gentry died in December of 1992.

History of the Battles

These battles, fought in the summer of 1864 in Northeast Mississippi, were part of the Atlanta campaign. For Major General William T. Sherman, the fighting in Mississippi in the summer of 1864 was to protect the railroad carrying food and ammunition from Tennessee to his army advancing on Atlanta. In the spring of 1864, the Federal plan for war in the West was to bisect the South and Gen. Sherman’s task was to destroy the Army of Tennessee, occupy Atlanta and march to the sea. Early in the Atlanta Campaign, the Confederate high command contemplated attacking Sherman’s main supply line. Maj. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest’s mounted infantry set out on June 1, 1864 to Russellville, Alabama, but was alerted by Maj. Gen. Stephen D. Lee of Samuel Sturgis’s intent to move from Memphis and eliminate Forrest. Brice’s Crossroads was a brilliant tactical victory for Forrest on June 10, but the battle brought no relief to the Confederacy. Sherman forestalled an attack on the Railroad by sending small commands to northern Mississippi.On July 14-15 that summer, Forrest was held for a time in Tupelo at Harrisburg and Old Town Creek by Maj. Gen. A. J. Smith. Lee and Forrest made a series of uncoordinated charges against the Federal position both at Harrisburg and Old Town Creek, but was repelled. The Confederates did not fight with their usual skill.

Weather Closing

The center will be closed on Friday, January 10th due to inclement weather.

Call 662.365.3969 on Saturday, January 11th to determine if we are open or closed.